about us


A united voice for Africans for social change. 


Through grassroots collaborative action, we aim to address social injustice and discrimination and provide platforms for equitable opportunities for the communities we support. ASSIDA’s mission is to alleviate experiences of poverty and hardship for African diaspora on a local, national and international level.

In Western Sydney, our mission is to support communities from Sub-Saharan Africa within their first five years of settlement in Australia. We do this by fostering inclusion and a sense of safety and belonging for those who have fled conflict and persecution. We believe that this integration into Australian society whilst opening our doors for anyone in the community who needs support is essential to building a healthier and happier place to call home.  


ASSIDA recognises all people as human beings. We provide services to communities in need from a place of:  

-Empathy: we work from a lived-experience place of mutual understanding and mutual community benefit.  

-Integrity: we support our communities, partnerships and workforce with respect and dignity. 

-Inclusion: we pride ourselves on accessible services that support all intersections of the community to feel safe and supported. 

-Equity: we promote opportunities based on the strengths of our communties, not their deficits.  


The principle objectives of ASSIDA are to establish and promote a united humanitarian voice for African Australians, supporting those at risk of vulnerability by:

  • Assisting with the alleviation of poverty through food, community supports and housing referral support.

  • Supporting our communities to overcome destitution.

  • Providing trauma-informed support for communities who have experienced trauma as a result of conflict and persecution. 

  • Providing direct ancillary services such as training workshops, conferences, seminars and workshops.     

  • Ensuring financial opportunities for growth are available to allow for a sustainable ASSIDA that benefits our growing membership.

These objectives are underpinned by our strategic pillars outlined below:

1.      Social justice underpinning our work

2.      Grassroots collaboration

3.      Raising the voices of ASSIDA’s membership

4.      Financial stability

5.      Strengthening Board Capacity

For more information, read our 2024-2027 strategic plan.


We have 123 children and 71 registered women whom are vulnerable victims of the Congo war of 1996- 2013. We support children with costs of education and assist non-educated women to learn how to read and write through our volunteer educators. We are intending to extend those programs but due our limited financial resources cannot commit to this endeavour at the moment. Our main beneficiaries include:

  • Primary & secondary school orphan children

  • School drop-outs and street children

  • Girls who have experienced early pregnancy

  • Children living with HIV/AIDS

  • Poor and marginalised rural widow

  • Unemployed young children


where we work

We are an Australian organisation based in Australia, across two states; New South Wales and South Australia. Our new branch in Manchester, England was established to help extend our voice and encourage further support. Our main focus is on the Democratic Republic of Congo, however, we also extend Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Sudan.